13 Aug 2005
Wigan, UK
Hiya guys, I've been up the night trying to get my 9600xt to work in linux but I'm having some issues, basically I can get drivers installed and working but after about 5 seconds of rendering any 3d I either get a hang or the card stops sending signal to the monitor completely!

I know it is nothing to do with the card cos it works fine in windows in the same rig.

Any ideas? (buy nvidia isn't an idea - I know)

:edit: I'm running fedora core 3 btw but its been the same over mandrake, debian, slackware and vector
i've never got my 9800pro working and i've been trying for years. every time i restart x with the new driver, x fails to start. never worked out why... damn ati.
kiwi said:
i've never got my 9800pro working and i've been trying for years. every time i restart x with the new driver, x fails to start. never worked out why... damn ati.

I sold my 9800pro a month or so ago, like you i've spent years trying to get the drivers to work and it did'nt happen. Did an install of Suse 10 a while ago with an ATI8500, and what do you know, 3d enabled straight out of the box. I've had this 8500 since it was released and never tried it with linux until now, could have saved myself hours of grief if i'd thought of using it before.
Yeah I tried a few different drivers including those but I think there might be a conflict with the mainboard drivers I'm gonna check it later tonight
Nope, nodda clue, I've tried different distros different kernels different drivers but no matter what as soon as I load a 3d app (even glxgears ffs) it dies.

I am never being given an ATI card again <sulk>
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