Attack at Saudi King Palace

Was just seeing this not sure on the background of anyone reporting it, etc. whether its actually something going on in SA, etc.
I had a quick google and could only found "evidence" of this on some conspiracy-nut forum and this twitter video.

I'm sorry, but the main media are really slow at reporting anything, am sure they will catch up in a hour or more.

This is breaking right now, more posts on Twitter and more videos are being shared.

Watch #saudiarabia and #coup in twitter for latest.
Couple of usually reliable sources - one of them who lives in that area - saying its fake and nothing going on but too early to be sure yet.
Couple of usually reliable sources - one of them who lives in that area - saying its fake and nothing going on but too early to be sure yet.

More videos just keep coming out, it's happening too fast, I honestly can't keep up.

Listen to all that gun fire, that's not just one or two guys, it's a hell a lot more.

It's not just small arms too, I heard sounds of much heavy weapons being used, grenades, RPG's, possible vehicle mounted cannons like 20mm or 30mm.
What is a "Sundi King" anyway? :D

Someone was getting a bit excited/rushing to post this.

Anyway given the recent imprisonment of and hefty fines/ransoms* paid out by members of the ruling elite then I guess a coup attempt isn't entirely implausible.

*(depending which way you want to frame it)
so much conflicting stuff on twitter about this ranging from it being a drone that flew too close to the palace triggering a rather Arab style - shoot in the air not caring where the bullets land type response through to the Crown Prince supposedly being killed

A toy drone/plane got too close too the King’s palace and was shot down.

could well be but how do you know? Has there been an official announcement or are you just picking what seems to be the most plausible explanation from twitter and then repeating it as fact?
I'm starting to believe the drone/plane idea, it got too close and everything in the city started to shoot at it.

I read that we should be expecting a official statement soon.
well yes it seems a bit more plausible if there are no tanks in the street, takeover of TV studios and the other shenanigans that tend to go with a coup... but it is still silly to repeat something as fact if it hasn't yet been confirmed
This proves the "power" of an unchecked social media account being used to verify news events, especially with non-military experts adding to the general noise by claiming they can hear the difference between specific calibre weapons being used!
Great post ironwarrior. Did you get the info from your totes legit Syria and Russia sources?
So basically complete BS?

Yeap, "toy" drone shot down. As "toy" drones are used in Syria/Iraq by ISIS etc to drop small bombs, the Nation has a very strict policy about them flying near Palaces etc.

Hitting a small drone say 2ft x 2ft) thats moving, even if it's as close as 100m, requires lots and lots of shooting so it's completely understandable that, after hearing a lot of shooting at the Palace, people started reporting on SM. However SM allows rumour and conjecture to run rampant without being checked by any actual evidence which leads to people making 1+1= "A Suffusion of Yellow" rather than 2, plus you've got obvious non-experts making comments which "look" like they know what they're talking about (but don't) which others then pick-up on and start re-broadcasting as "fact" making it very difficult to extract the actual truth of the situation from all the chaff.
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