Attatching a simple on/off switch to GPU fans.



13 Mar 2017
I know it isn't PSU related but it is related to electrics so maybe somebody who knows could help me :)

I want to keep this aftermarket cooler but it has an issue with the fans constantly revving up and down when idle.

My older stock cooler would turn off if I set the fan curve to 0 but it won't work with this new cooler.

I want this cooler to do the same but it won't so I was wondering if it is safe to add simple on/off switch to GPU fans.

You can switch case fans off with switches but the difference with my intended set up would be the fact that the fans would be connected to the gpu board so I am just wondering weather it would bust the GPU, I am not sure how seeing as the GPU obviously has a voltage regulator where you can turn it up and down at high speed anyway.

I was thinking of ordering a mini gpu extension cable, cutting the voltage wire and inserting them into a simple switch that I could turn off when not playing games.
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Can you still set a custom fan profile in Afterburner? You could set the profile to stay off until slightly hotter?
It still revs up intermittently. The issue is the cooler, it doesn't read the GPU properly.

I have little other options this one is an Accelero cooler, Gelid coolers can't be controlled at all from what I have read and I don't know of any others.

I think that I will just have to go down the switch route and use some GPU temperature alarm software.
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How about if I installed some GPU alarm software that sounds at a certain temperature? I just tested one, it works well.
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I though you wanted to make it quieter? If you get an alarm that something has just started heating your GPU up, it's probably too late for you to do anything about it.

TBH, your best bet might be to remove the cooler and fit an AIO water cooler with some proper controls on it.
Well not if the alarm is set at 45oC as my gpu has never gone above 38oC when idle with the fans off at all times, the only time my gpu rises above 38oc is when I start up a game and then the fans come on, I believe that switching a switch turn the fans on would be fine at 45oC.

How much would it cost me to water cool it?
It's a GTX 1070 dual, I will have a look around I found this about my cooler I am having trouble with, it used to be a disclaimer on their website (Accelero) but I am not sure if it's there anymore.

"Nvidia graphics cards with their latest drivers may be misinterpreting the fan speed of our coolers and thus the reporting through software is wrong. Further Nvidia is no longer controlling the fan speed depending on PWM values based on the GPU temperature. E.g. if you set 30% PWM, Nvidia translates it into 1050 RPM. Independent whether you run a 40 mm (10,000 RPM max) or a 140 mm (1,500 RPM max) fan and independent of their maximum fan speeds, Nvidia will drive both at exactly 1050 RPM."

Weird as I just think that they did not make the coolers properly as my stock cooler had no issues like this.

Anyway I will probably end up going down the water cooling route just for the GPU, sorry to have been a pain and thank you for your help.
I have done a lot of thinking and I have decided to stick with my plan, the gpu still works without fans plugged in, I have been doing some testing with speed fan and was able to set it to close down the computer at 70oC. I have stress tested the gpu cooler under full load for an hour and it did not exceed 50oC with fans on so the compter won't shut down whilst gaming so I can keep the software running at all times, this will be my safe guard. I have looked into other ways like water cooling which I may do in the future but this cooler despite it's fans issue is pretty amazing and quiet so I want to keep it plus I don't know if water cooling will be quiet or safe as I have read stories on the other side of the coin about them still being noisy or leaking and the card itself doesn't need water cooling for any other reason other than noise reduction, I believe this is a safe alternative for now.
Reving up and down sounds like two different (pwm?) controllers are vying for control - do you have any fan speed management software running?

It's also possible to flash the graphics card with alternative firmware to control the fan speed more precisely - please don't use a switch.
Okay I won't do it if it makes you guys feel better lol. The reason it was revving is due to the fans or the wiring on the Twin turbo 3, it is nothing to do with software. I just proved this by connecting my stock cooler fans and then the Noctua fans I have zip tied together which I was using on my stock cooler, both sets stopped at idle as they should. I fixed the revving issue now anyway, either the replacement fans fixed it or because I attached a couple of cables between the card and the fans including a gpu mini to pwm and a pwm to gpu mini (this may have slowed down the current or feedback between the card and the fans somewhat), I can't be bothered to work it out, I am just happy that it's fixed now.
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