Attempted Bootcamp, utility crashed and now I've lost hard drive space.

22 Aug 2006
Hey guys :)

I attempted to setup a bootcamp partition using the bootcamp assistant and the application crashed whilst trying to create a 50gb partition for windows 7.

My 2010 macbook pro reset itself and after rebooting I've lost hard drive space and my hard drive is now 200gb! (Apparently, instead of 250gb)

I've tried repairing the disk in disk utility to no avail, I'm rather stumped now.

Here is how disk utility describes my hard drive.


There is no extra partition shown in the disk utility and there is no option to remove the windows partition in the bootcamp assistant.


How on earth do I reclaim my much wanted hard drive space?
Did it maybe shrink your Mac OS partition and then crash before it could create the NTFS partition?

Can you extend the size of the Mac OS partition in Disk Utility?
What ever I tried I couldn't sort it, ended up backing up my stuff, formatting and reinstalling Lion.

My Hard Drive is back to normal now. :)
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