Attempts to Cancel Factorio Dev Backfire

What is it with these limp wristed lefties that makes them think they can try to ruin somebody's life and livelihood simply because they don't agree with something they say? They're a ******* cancer on society.
The left constantly trying to "cancel" people for wrongthink would be funny, if it didn't actually work sometimes.
Great that this one blew up in their faces, and great response by the dev, especially having to remind people that there's a world outside of the US.
Didn't know about that FNAF stuff that happened. Pretty terrible stuff.
It would be nice if these people could just leave it at the door, when they go into the make-believe would have gaming. :D

I've not got Factorio, but watched a few videos on it over the last year. Looks very good, but not sure I have the time for it.
It would be nice if these people could just leave it at the door, when they go into the make-believe would have gaming. :D

I find this post ironic as it was 'Gamergate' that I remember many years ago kicked off harrassing women with threats, based on a lie.

That's the first time I remember people raging about games for reasons other than quality.
I find this post ironic as it was 'Gamergate' that I remember many years ago kicked off harrassing women with threats, based on a lie.

That's what journalists with an agenda wanted you to think, to deflect from their own failings.

In reality gamergate was thousand of different things for different people. Yes, few online idiots sent some nasty tweets and included the hashtag. Vast majority didn't though.
One good thing it led to, it made journalists disclose their relationships with people when writing articles about them.
The lie was that she was having an affair with a journalist.

The controversies and events that would come to be known as Gamergate began in 2014 as a personal attack on Quinn, incited by a blog post by Quinn's former boyfriend Eron Gjoni.[15][3][7] Called the "Zoe Post", it was a lengthy, detailed account of their relationship and breakup[17] that included copies of personal chat logs, emails, and text messages.[11] The blog falsely implied that Quinn had a sexual relationship with Nathan Grayson, a reporter for the website Kotaku, in exchange for a favorable review of Depression Quest.[18] Gjoni later blamed the insinuation on a typographical error,[5] saying that he had "no evidence" of a sexual conflict of interest on Quinn's part.[19] Grayson never actually reviewed any of Quinn's games, and his only article mentioning them was published before their relationship began.

Anyway, dragging this off topic but it all seems a bit overblown.

One person in a forum complained and that is somehow woke cancel culture?

Other than that, the Dev has a completely fair point, granted.
“I won’t even search him up. You know why? Because I don’t care at all. I don’t care if he cheats on his wife, is a bigot, or pays proper tips in restaurant. These things are simply not relevant.”
“If Stalin had a good writeup on programming, would linking that be dangerous, because some people might read it, start liking HIM, thus start liking communism and the ineviteble mass murder that follows it? Is this how little we trust other individuals when it comes to access to information?
“I personally trust my readers to have the ability to create their own opinions instead of blindly following whatever says the person they like.”
. “I’m not defending that […], but if someone would defend that, it doesn’t make him a bigot just because he proposes that and have some arguments, only if those arguments were debunked and the person wouldn’t be willing to change his mind, then yes, it sounds like a bigot.”
“But my feeling is, that this step is completely ignored in most of the cases. People are called bigots without any attempts at understanding the reasoning, it is the easy way.”
true facts

didn't Einstein cheat on his wife or some such and wasn't very nice to her either.
should we just throw away all his work, what about nasa? it was a bunch of german nazis like proper hardcore nazis like braun..... lets erase nasa from history.

everything is mental
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