Attention soup makers

27 Mar 2010
I am rather confused when it comes to using a blender to blend soup. I have a Wahl blender and also a blender attachment belonging to my Kenwood food processor. In both cases they state not to put hot stuff into them yet, everytime I see soup being blended on tv, the chefs put hot soup straight into the blenders.

What do you do when making soup that you blend? Put it in hot or leave it cool as recommended in the blender instructions?
Put it in hot. Take the centre piece off the lid to let hot air escape but put a tea towel over it (couple of times folded over).

Obviously don't fill it too much either.
It is indeed a safety concern. You'd be somewhat foolish to put a hot liquid into a blender that didn't have a heat-treated goblet and expect it not to shatter.

Hence why plenty of blenders have glass or plastic goblets that can be used with hot liquids, and it's generally these that you'll see being used by people on TV and suchlike.

That said, it's really more a concern of the various manufacturers that such an accident could happen, so they'll generally advise customers not to blend hot liquids so you can't sue them silly when you burn your face off.

And just because they say you shouldn't, that doesn't necessarily mean that you can't.
Exactly what jack said - burnt myself a few times not removing the centre cap, infact I just loosely hold it over the hole with a tea towel now and that does the job.
Ok cheers guys. Both have glass jugs so hopefully safe enough. Pretty sure I have seen James Martin use the cloth held over the hole technique. In fact, he did that in the video that came with the blender.
You may want to just make sure you're wearing jeans/shoes and arms are covered the first couple of times - when these things explode they do it in style!
dont put it in to hot or you might ruin the plastic :P
like when you heat something up in a plastic jug in the microwave and it discolours the plastic
Echoing what others have said. I put it in my plastic blender reasonably hot and remove the cap to let the steam escape.
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