ATX Power Connector Sleeving Q

7 Feb 2004
North East
Does it matter if the same cable goes into the plug ? or is it down to the colours ?

For example :

I have black cable 1 and 2, and socket 1 and 2 ... would it matter if i put Cable 1 in Socket 2 or visa versa ?
Explicit said:
I don't really understand what you mean. Are you talking about molex power cables from the PSU? If so, it should be ok to use any of them.

24 pin ATX connector, has a variety of cable colours...

if 2 of em are the same colour, does it matter which socket they go in, so long as the colours match the same socket...


using the above as an example, does it matter which socket i put the red in ? or is just so long as ANY red cable is in the correct socket..

kinda hard to explain :o
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