
29 Jul 2005
Hi there

i downloaded audacity a few days back and i've been fiddling around with it and i'm loving it :) but i just wondered if there were any other programs like this that i could try out aswell or any the you would strongly recommend buying, i don't mind paying a little just so long as i know i'm getting what i pay for!!

Just thought i'd add in that i've been mainly messing around with mp3s rather than MIDIs

thanks in advanced

I'm quite a fan of free and open source software and so on. I found out about Audacity earlier this year because of a multimedia module for my degree course. We had CoolEdit 96 on our lab machines. I looked for some free audio editors and found Audacity. I later used it in a project and loved it.

My lecturer was quite surprised when I told him that CoolEdit was taken over by Adobe and is now Adobe Audition and therefore quite expensive.

I really doubt you'd find anything as good as Audacity that is either free or paid for software. Normally people ask for something better to use in terms of browsers or image editing, dvd playback etc and we suggest certain programs. Here I think you are already using the best package, at least that I know of.
Thanks for the reply, i've just been and had at a look at Adobe Audition :eek: the price :eek: the amount of extra buttons and tools is extroidinary and i bet for the tasks i want to do it probably doesn't compare much to Audacity
marc_howarth said:
Thanks for the reply, i've just been and had at a look at Adobe Audition :eek: the price :eek: the amount of extra buttons and tools is extroidinary and i bet for the tasks i want to do it probably doesn't compare much to Audacity
Yep, CoolEdit probably wasn't too expensive but Adobe have now swallowed it up, ballooned up the price and inflated it with bloatware so much so that for the price you aren't getting anything extra over Audacity, just a "nice" package from a major software company.
well in this case, does anyone happen to know of any decent website explain how to do stuff in Audacity, most of is self explanatory but there's a few things like stretching one mp3 section so that it maches perfect in time with another mp3

thanks again

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