Audi A2 Timing belt change

17 Jul 2005
Hi all, I have a quick query to anyone who has had experience with this subject.

I have been told after a recent service of my 02 plate audi A2 1.4 TDI that it is due for a timing belt change. The car has only done 28k since new so is relatively low mileage for its age. However I take it needs the change due to the age of the car rather than the amount of miles it has done.

Anyway my query is what sort of price am I looking at (rough ball park figure).

The garage seemed to have no clue which I found a bit strange seeing as they just serviced the car and are capable of servicing this part. :confused:

Just to let you know it will be done at a VW/audi specialist garage rather than a main dealer as I am not paying their ridiculous prices.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Happy easter all! :)
merlin said:
This always makes me wonder. So the belt needs changing because it's old - and not because of the work it's done.

Right - so clearly these things age do they?

That case - I hope they give you a belt that's litterally just come out of the factory rather than giving you one off their shelves that might have been sat there for 12 months. ;)

Ask the Audi specialists what they think - they may well say leave it till 45k or whatever. :)

This is exactly why I am asking the question as surely as the car hasn't done as many miles it hasn't been 'used' as much as a car which has done more miles regardless of age.

I am kind of stumped as to why it needs to be changed now as most cars I have seen (inlcuding my old astra 1.6 8v) only needed it changed around 40k +.

EDIT: Telsa just seen your reply, that would make sense. I think I will have a trawl around on some car forums for any info.

If anyone has any quotes they were given please let me know a ball park figure. (I am short this moneth due to changing jobs so I hope it won't be a cripling amount)

cheers all
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