Ok, I have a standard Audigy 2 soundcard which I am perfectly happy with and a set of Altec Lansing 5100 Enhanced 5.1 speakers all of which work superb, however I also like to use my Plantronics Audio 90 Headset when I am using Teamspeak on WoW or Enemy Territory, this causes a problem as I need to keep pulling out the PC to swap the front two speakers from the 5.1s to plug in the headphones cable, I can leave the rear, central and mic plugged in all the time, but need to mess about like this every time I want to use my headphones. I obviously then use the Sounds and Audio devices tab in the control panel to swich between 5.1 and stereo headphones, this is no problem, it's just the hole pulling the damn PC out from under my desk to swap them around that grates.
Any ideas of a cheap and easy solution to this?
Any ideas of a cheap and easy solution to this?