Audigy 2, what's the difference?

1 Dec 2003
can someone tell me what the difference is between the Audigy 2 with the all gold plated connectors and the one with normal coloured connectors? (apart from the obvious ;) )
are they using different chips or...? is the latter just a bugdet version? is there much difference in sound?
MeatLoaf said:
Not 100% sure but i dont think the one with the coloured jacks has the connectors to hook the drive bay expansion up to

i have the an original audigy 2 and it has the coloured outputs and and the connectors to hook up drive bay expansion.
it is an OEM though
In the case of the X-Fi, the one with the gold plated connector is the retail version and the ones without the OEM version.

I am not sure if it applies to this A2 though.
right, i heard they were maybe using different microchips/circuitry or something, but it seems this is just the oem i have.

i've just installed the drivers
i only really listen to music, are there any programs on the disc worth installing for this
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