Audio help

2 Jun 2020
I'm in a bit of a muddle with what to do with my gaming/work pc and it's audio setup.
At the moment I'm using the on-board sound card from my MSI X570 tomahawk connecting to as Fosi TD7498E amp which is driving some B&W DM603 floor standing speakers.

In theory this should be wonderful and it kind of is unless I want background music or want to game at night. The speakers are great at volume but not so good at lower volumes.

I'm also conscious of space. The B&Ws are not exactly small!

I also have a technical bugbear in that as soon as my PC goes to sleep I get a horrible feedback hum through the speaker/amp that drives me up the wall!

I'm looking to downscale and give me gaming options. I don't know if I need a DAC, external sound card, monitors or what!
Yeah, speakers and mandated silence are pretty incompatible.
Headphones are really only option for not bothering others, unless they're many really solid walls away.
And assuming your head shape is close to average good speakers and HRTFs would give lot better immersion than stereo speakers.
Besides directionality there can even be feel of distances.

What kind budget you have?
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