Audio line out dock (turbo dock) and iphone

19 Jan 2006
London, UK
Hi all,
I have a turbo dock for my 5G ipod video, which I use to get a line out signal to feed into a portable amp.
Now I have an iphone I was wondering whether I could use this for it? I know that the connector that came with the iphone also fits with the 5G ipod, so will this dock work with it too?

yeah I have been using the dock since I've the iPhone but I prefer the turbo dock as it's smaller and the iPhone can be laid down rather than having to stand up. Will give a try and report back.
haven't tried airplane mode, what happens is when I plug in the turbo dock and connect it to the amp, the music just plays through the loud speaker and doesn't go through the line out.

Will try airplane mode a bit later tonight.
Doesn't work in airplane mode neither. Might pop over to head-fi to see if a new line out dock has been designed for the iphone yet.
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