Have to say that I wholeheartedly agree with a high degree of skepticism, however, completely writing off "hi-fi snake oil" as BS is a little extreme.
Just remember that some people state that interconnects make no differences and that all CDPs sound the same.
The simple fact is that if you think it sounds better, it IS better. Anything else is BS.
As for some of the weird stuff I've come across that seems to work:
- The mains cables I now use. IMO a mains cable change made a bigger improvement that moving from a cheapo DVD player (used as a transport) to a dedicated CD transport costing 14x more.
- Stands. I've heard a variety of technologies used in stands. Rigid glass tend to add leading edges, air suspended tend to increase textures, but at the expense of dynamics. Head a Quadraspire "wobbly" acrlyic recently. If you pushed it, it wobbled around like a Japanese hi-rise block that has been made earthquake proof. Did seem to help the sound of the CDP sat on it.
- Some weird spray stuff that I heard in Heathrow last weekend. Spray it on your CD, wipe it on to create a kind of thin film on it. It claims to clean the CD, reduce unexpected laser reflections and standardise static charge across the CD. Frankly, I don't care what it's meant to do, all I know is that it certainly seemed to make a difference, and I was desperately hoping it wouldn't.
- Stillpoints. Imagine a cone with a set of ballbearings at the tip. Stick three of these under a CDP and they allow horizontal dissipation of your kit when it vibrates (according to the blurb). All I know is that they certainly seem to work.