I've got a projector that has a 3.5mm output, and sometimes I'd like it fed into speakers, sometimes I'd like it to go to a pair of wireless headphones.
Currently I have to switch the 3.5mm cables over to move between either the speakers or a bluetooth transmitter (https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07W6ZNMGN).
The bluetooth transmitter is a pain, because it doesn't have a display, and has a habit of connecting to other devices in the house when I just want it to connect to the headphones that are right next to it!
What I want: a box next to the projector with a button on it. When I press the button it changes output between bluetooth (to two devices) or 3.5mm output.
In an even more ideal world, the speakers would also be bluetooth, so it would be 3.5 mm in, 4 x bluetooth out arranged like this: ([stereo, stereo], [left, right]). This may be a step too far.
I think a super minimum effort solution is:
- buy a 3.5mm splitter/selector (https://smile.amazon.co.uk/STEREO-Manua ... B073GWCRP3)
- buy a better bluetooth re-transmitter which I can more easily force to connect to the headphones (https://www.amazon.co.uk/ELEGIANT-Bluet ... B08BN4MC39)
However, I am wondering if there might be a nicer way of doing it with something off the shelf?
Thanks for any advice
I've got a projector that has a 3.5mm output, and sometimes I'd like it fed into speakers, sometimes I'd like it to go to a pair of wireless headphones.
Currently I have to switch the 3.5mm cables over to move between either the speakers or a bluetooth transmitter (https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07W6ZNMGN).
The bluetooth transmitter is a pain, because it doesn't have a display, and has a habit of connecting to other devices in the house when I just want it to connect to the headphones that are right next to it!
What I want: a box next to the projector with a button on it. When I press the button it changes output between bluetooth (to two devices) or 3.5mm output.
In an even more ideal world, the speakers would also be bluetooth, so it would be 3.5 mm in, 4 x bluetooth out arranged like this: ([stereo, stereo], [left, right]). This may be a step too far.
I think a super minimum effort solution is:
- buy a 3.5mm splitter/selector (https://smile.amazon.co.uk/STEREO-Manua ... B073GWCRP3)
- buy a better bluetooth re-transmitter which I can more easily force to connect to the headphones (https://www.amazon.co.uk/ELEGIANT-Bluet ... B08BN4MC39)
However, I am wondering if there might be a nicer way of doing it with something off the shelf?
Thanks for any advice