Audio switch with Microphone support

24 May 2006
Surrey - UK
I've been using a gamevoice to switch between mic and headset to stereo when i need to. However the switch is getting twitchy and i lose sound in the left speaker sometimes, which i can fix by tapping at the switch.

At some point its gonna die, so i need a new switch, and not had much luck finding one with microphone support or at a decent price.

So any recommendations?.....

Don't need links to competitors etc.... i'm quite capable of finding sellers, just need some model numbers to look into etc....
i use one aswell, very useful little thing to have :] my 1st one broke years ago though but i ebayed a new one for the princely sum of £1 ( well +pnp:P), maybe you can also find yourself a replacement for cheaper than you thought
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