AudioQuest Jitterbug

It doesn't work the same for different system / different listeners.

If you can't hear background noise then it wouldn't do you much good, IMO most people don't really need one.

I'm getting noise from my x7 output to my powered monitors...

Not from headphones though...
Seems a bit overkill to me - especially when they are suggesting additionally filtering other local devices. A lot of digital ICs, etc. won't really be effected by it and largely a simple 100nf ceramic capacitor will do most of the same thing and if you wanted a bit of ground loop elimination, etc. its possible to build something a lot cheaper than those cost.

Build me something and I'll PayPal you the money :)

Possibly a ground loop between the speakers and the X7 then, rather than PC to the X7. If the noise were coming from the PC, then you'd surely hear that with headphones as well as speakers.

The jitterbug would likely make no difference if the noise is not coming from the PC.

Try a ground loop isolator between the RCA cables from X7 to the speakers.

I tested with the line out from my oppo ha2 to powered monitors and got the same noise.

Unplug the USB the noise goes away.

I isolated the power from the monitors and x7 from pc using one of these

I have three in my studio they are brilliant...the noise was reduced but the noise is definitely USB related using the powered monitors either by output from x7 or oppo ha2
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Fixed it


Took this out my car to test and all noise gone...

I'll get another one ordered.
Yup. We both noticed it within seconds so the jitterbug is not snake oil, that's for sure.

We're talking about $2500 worth of equipment he's got though so I wouldn't buy the jitterbug for your average low end studio monitor+ low end DAC setup, for example.

Hey I wouldn't call my oppo HA2 low end ! :eek::p
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