August upgrade

29 Oct 2002
Hello all,

Quick question, im quite aware that there is quite a lot of new hardware developments happening soon - new processors etc - was wondering if anyone is hanging on to upgrade and what they are looking for ie conroe, new AMD, any new DDR memory stuff?, motherbords, graphics etc etc

Im hoping for a new build in a few months and have seen various snippets of what may be around the corner

cheers, Am
I've not been keeping up properly but as far as I'm aware it is AM2 in around June time(support for DDR2 and a few minor changes but nothing too interesting), Conroe August(very quick, good overclocking and lower power requirements), Vista sometime around Autumn maybe coinciding with Conroe and then new DX10 compatible graphics cards sometime after that.

All times are very rough and assume no slippage, maybe someone else can offer you more information and firmer dates. :)
I think its more like this:

AM2 - was for a long time placed at 6th June - but apparently may be up to a week earlier than that now :) So maybe by the end of this month!

Conroe - From memory this has been pushed forward a bit too recently - I think we may be seeing this in July - but I'd not get too hopeful yet. Certainly by August looks quite likely though :)

Vista - I'm almost certain that retail version will NOT be available until next year (Jan 2007), there was a big thing about how it won't be ready for christmas sales. I think some deal was done so that pre-built machines can be shipped around christmas WITH Vista installed - but there will be no other way to buy Vista until 2007, if I recall correctly.

DX10 - Not sure about this at all really. Think its going to be somewhere around Vista - but personally I'd not look at DX10 until much later into 2007. The early cards will be costly and will only have a few games where they will actually have any real benefit.

Basically Conroe and AM2 should be worth considering if you plan on buying a new setup some time this year. But Vista and DX10 is almost certainly not worth considering until 2007 - and some people would argue that you should give both Vista and DX10 3-6 months before making the change ;)
ah thats great thanks for the replies as its easy to read stuff on the forum and a few days later wonder where you read it etc
Yes I have been looking at the new processors, but being a bit naive wondered if there was any more developments in the memory department - i presume the next step is DDR2

great board this, always good replies and answers, thanks
Both the new cpu/mobo platforms (AM2 and Conroe) require DDR2 RAM.

DDR ram is on its way out now - DDR2 is definately going to be needed for a new system.
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