Aurora Spy plane

30 Oct 2016
So guys and girls.

I have been intrigued with the so called "Aurora" spy plane story for years and years.

So far we have:-

1) Cross American continent jet contrail also crossing the Atlantic captured by a weather satellite

2) Doughnuts on a rope sightings

3) Massive historical sonic booms which the Geological experts said must have been caused by something travelling around Mach8, all picked up by siesmology.

4) The total public "absence" of any US high speed aircraft after the SR71 Blackbird

5) A sighting from an oil Rig worker in the North Sea, who was a trained aircraft identifier.

6) Machrihannish Airbase in Scotland being massively developed with a runway extension, and millions of dollars invested by the US Military, under heavy guard for many years in the 80's and 90's, then mysteriously the US pulling the plug. Locals also describing wierd sky "ripping" sounds consistent with the Pulse detenation Wave engine allegedly used by the Aurora.

Does anyone else have an opinion on this and any thoughts as to whether it was ever real or not?

On one hand there seems to be massive evidence, yet the F117A and B2 Bombers were made public after many years, those were in development way back in the EARLY 80's!!

Is it inconcievable that the US would retire the SR71 and NOT have a replacement, or does anyone think that they really did leave themselves without a super high speed aircraft?

If they DID have one, and things have moved on with better satellites etc etc and a different world now, why would they not go public like they did with the SR71, F117A and the B2 Bomber? Why did the US even go public with these stealth planes in the first place?

Im 50/50 on whether it exists/existed, but I am so curious, I keep coming back to the internet for any new developments, but always come up empty handed, and it has been speculated for years and years.

I wonder if we will ever know?

EDIT:- Here is a short clip off Youtube of what I mean.

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pretty sure that picture related to that has been debunked


The picture was a fake, but the guys story apparently was not.....

Im not sure if someone else associated the pic with his story, or not....

If the pic was real, then he would not have to draw the sketch of what he saw, which is what he has done in multiple interviews.....
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