Auto Trader Price Comments (Fair, Good, Great etc)

22 Dec 2009
Upper Skurt
From checking some car prices on Auto Trader I get the impression that some vendors are getting more favourable price comments than others for similar spec cars?
The small circular dial values that indicate the price comments has "Great Price" for one car yet an identical car from another vendor with same year, plate, mileage and trim level has "Good" price even though it is priced £1500 lower.

These pricing comments should be reversed and it is not an isolated incident, it is happening all over the place.
The pricing comments are definitely favouring some vendors. It does not surprise me.

Best way is to form your own opinion on pricing and ignore the biased pricing comments from Auto Trader.
More generally I've noticed a lot of these systems which are commonly used across the trade are quite slow to change the "reduced" and "fair price", etc. tags after an actual price change (which maybe isn't surprising if some kind of appraisal is done but maybe should lose the tag if the price changes) and some seem to be gaming it. I'm not sure how relevant that is to Auto Trader though.
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