Autocad - sheets

1 Jul 2007
I know there are specialist forums out there but CBA signing up.

A couple of questions.

I can set up my sheet page for my printer, it shows the print area, create the title block and view port with-in this and export to PDF, it cuts off the RHS and bottom. To set the page to any of the PDF options and again it appears to reduce the size from A4. I thought PDF would be a standard A4 page?

Is there no way to snap or make the viewport the size of the sheet?
I am wanting to export as PDF to then import into a word document, and the perfectionist in me is wanting to make sure that spacing around the view port box is symmetrical.
Just seen this @ash_scotland88

Did you manage to solve this?

When you set up the print which option did you use? There are options to print extents, window etc. Also have you got it so the print is centred on the page as well? And is what you're printing to a set scale as well?
There's also oversize A4 in the paper options, make sure your selecting the sheet via "window" and click the centred check box.
@Derek W in the end I just zoomed in and adjusted the viewing window to corner of page as close as I could, then brought it in by a set amount. The viewing window was set to a scale 1:10.

When using my printer as the printing option/page setup compared to a PDF file I found it odd that it was different dimensions, but now thinking about it I suppose the dimensions are the physical print space on the a4 paper while PDF would be full a4?

I'll need to go back to and try the centred check box, it's something I'd like to know how to do properly as I will need it.
That would be great, or even screenshots for correct settings.
I think even in the CAD class we had it was very basic of "draw inside the print window" now from the that corner make your title block.

Ok so firstly my Autocad is set up under classic view because I hate ribbon (full disclosure). I'm old school and been using Acad since 1990 and its just something I'm very familiar with.

We have our title blocks in paper space within their own file, one drawing to a file. Model files are xref into the plot sheet and viewed through a scaled vport from within paper space. The title block is drawn at 1:1.
I have my paper space set up as follows;


This is our Title Block within Paper Space, you can see by the dotted line that it is currently sat outside of the boundaries of the page

Going into page setup i would always be using the native autocad to pdf printer;


I'm then setting my paper size which is suitable for the size of the plotter you are using. This is an A3 sheet, we use ISO full bleed

Setting "what to plot" to Window and hitting the Window< button will take you back to paper space where you can select the bottom left point on the sheet and the upper right


Clicking center the plot will show you if you are inside or outside of the print margins. Clicking scale to fit will resulting in a drawing that fits on the page but wont be the correct scale, the severity of this is dependent on the size of drawing you are trying to print on the size of paper. A3 to A3 should be a small error A1 to A3 quite big.

Hitting Preview will give you plot preview, hitting OK saves the set up allowing you to print. I never use the plot function under file, i use plot preview from the command line and just hit print from there*

*I actually dont print like this at all, I use sheet sets but that's another can of worms**
** I dont actually use sheet sets because im almost 100% Revit now but thats an even bigger can of worms.
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