If this is a business then this is a terrible backup plan.
We backup the whole server with at the moment is 2-3TB.
Our WAN is 100/100 Mbps
Is that 2-3Tb of data you backup, or is that the size of the storage?
Assuming that you don't have 2-3Tb of data that changes every backup cycle, that's an incredibly inefficient way of backing up. Not to mention the difficulties of restoring.
The first question - is this mission critical data? Basically would the business survive if this data was lost? If it isn't all mission critical, then split out what bit is mission critical.
Further pointers:
- Look at some backup software rather than windows built in option. Proper backup software gives you the ability to implement decent backup strategies, and is also much more efficient - such as only backing up the data that has changed.
- Look at the 3-2-1 rule for your mission critical data. This is essentially three copies of data, on two devices, and one copy held offsite.
- Consider how much data is similar, there are backup softwares out there that can do software deduplication. I.e. If your data consists of a number of VMs, then deduplication reduces the 'footprint' by saving the bits of data that it sees as a match only once - basically reduces the size of the backup.
- Have a think about DR scenarios, how quickly would you need your mission critical data restored, what about the other data. I'm not sure if Windows backup has the ability to selectively restore (basically an all or nothing approach). Decent backup software can give you the ability to restore more selectively. I.e. If you needed to restore a specific email rather than the entire mailbox. Or restoring a word document rather than the entire users file system data.