Automate watermarks

22 Sep 2009
Yesterday I did my first wedding (woo!) and today I want to email some samples to the bride and groom. I've made a square 'sample' overlay that I want to add to the photos however Lightroom will only keep it in a square, I want to stretch it to match the dimensions of the photo, is there any way I can do this in either Lightroom or Photoshop automattically? Current I'm making do with doing it manually but it's going to end up being rather time consuming.
How would I go about doing so in Lightroom?

When exporting the files to Non-Raw there is a watermark section in the menu where you can select a watermark profile, there is also the button to make a profile.

It would apply it to every photo being exported.

But that method won't adjust the dimensions when it's placed on the image, meaning in anything other than a square the image isn't entirely covered.

I used Mogrify in the past but forgot it when I reinstalled Windows, that'll probably do the trick :)
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