automated email setup

18 Oct 2002
Is there a bit of software that will allow users to setup email addresses for a domain without any user interaction?

Ie: They goto --> Chose email address --> Server sets it all up and gives them details for webmail login and outlook settings etc?
Yup, depending on the server's setup. For example, it's nice and easy to automate cPanel. I have a little script which does such a thing :)
If you don't have control over the server and can't for some reason use Curl or similar to operate your host's control panel automatically, there are various webmail scripts which can take a 'catch all' feed from a domain and separate the emails between 'virtual' users which should achieve what you're looking for.

Alternatively, one of our clients who are a broadband reseller use Atmail on a dedicated server (a VDS) which provides similar functionality but also includes and controls the physical mailserver.

HTH :).
Slime101 said:
That catchall way sounds messy, i presume thats not how "normal" webservers handle email for users?

Perhaps I didn't explain clearly. I'm assuming you do not have control of the webserver (or rather the email server), that you are running on shared hosting. If this is the case, you will either have to script something to manipulate the control panel *or* have your webmail software effectively sit in front of the actual mailserver, take the 'catch all' feed and divide up the emails internally.

If you have a VDS or a dedicated server it's an entirely different ballgame and my advise would be completely different :).
Slime101 said:
Assuming its running on a VDS or dedicated server....?

...then you can install something like Atmail for an easy, 'turnkey' solution or develop (or have developed) something of your own from scratch to integrate with whatever MTA you are running.
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