Auzentech X-Fi Prelude: The best of both worlds?

14 Nov 2007
Both worlds being gaming and music. I've spent the best part of the last week trying to solve my PC sound "issue".
I'm using a Cambridge Audio A500 Amp going to Mordaunt Short 902s. The PC in question is running Vista 64 with the onboard sound on my P35-DS3.

I had been looking at getting a DAC and using my onboard sound, and subsequently bumped into a few Labarum posts, here and on other forums. I really like the idea, and I'm sure it's the best option from a purely musical standpoint, but doesn't give anything in the way of gaming.

The X-Fi Prelude is within my budget, has full EAX jiggery pokery, and seems to be on par with the Xonar in terms of pure sound quality.

Any and all input would be great.
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