Auzentech X-Plosion DTS good for music?

14 Feb 2008

does anyone know how good these are for music compared to what creative has to offer, has there been any issues with crackling with these sound cards ?

i had baught a Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Audio 7.1 Sound Card but had large issues of sound problems such as popping and crackling

Where are you mrk? he had one with upgraded Burr Brown opamps.

Im looking at that card also, would like to get some feedback, quite like the idea of opamp rolling :)
thanks for follow up hesky82, it would be great if someone with the card could give some opinions on it, especially if they previously had a creative x-fi
Not had an X-Fi but an older live! main reason for using this card is for my HTPC as it outputs everything over optical or coax to my 5500s. It NOW works flawlessly, there is an issue with the coax output being very sensitive to mains ripple, such as lights being switched on! they didn't solve it so i bought an optical - coax converter from ****** as my sky hd only has optical so that uses the optical input on my speakers.

It is really good at seperating the music to output vocals via centre channel etc but it comes into its own with high quality movies with either DTS or DD its absolutely crystal people are blown away when they see stuff like transformers as the audio on it is so crisp.

Sorry cant answer the op amp upgrades as i'm outputting purely digitally


Forgot about this thread :)

Did you ever get an X-Plosion kcc7800?

Thanks for your comments Anthony, your bad interference was probably due to a poorly shielded coaxial cable.

I didn’t end up going for the X-Plosion, I grabbed a used X-Meridian instead. People are barking mad about them on the AV Science forum and I really fancied the over specified dac and analogue stages the X-M offers.

As far as I’m aware the X-P and X-M are pretty much identical when it comes to digital multichannel streaming, X-M just has a slightly more audiophile designed dac/analogue stage. I love it to bits, FLAC and other lossless audio just sounds amazing through my tube headphone amp and HD650 headphones.

I connect the digital output of the card up to my Rotel receiver via a QED coaxial cable, I’m not a fan of DSP but I can’t help smile when I listen to MP3’s played back and re-encoded to DTS multichannel :D :cool:

Anthony, respect to the GTI-R, I have an S14a and love the SR20DET engine to bits :)
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