AV amp in drawer?

6 Jan 2006
Newcastle upon Tyne
The powers that be have spoken and the new tv unit won’t have any room for an av amp other than in a drawer. I need to check the dimensions once built but can you in theory put the av amp in a drawer? My main concern is heat but can butcher the back to allow some better airflow. Probably not ideal for the remote line of sight either but it’s the only option I’ve got if it’s possible.
Do you know how much clearance there would be between the top of the AV Amp and the top of the drawer? I think that's going to be an important factor.
I have a media alcove with stacked shelves with a Yamaha amplifier on one and there is an air gap above of almost the same height as the amplifier itself.
You could probably get away with it if you used active cooling but I wouldn't recommend it.

My amps are in a cupboard and I always leave the door open when they're on. The back of the unit is vented and they also have a low rpm fan on top to stop the air stagnating.
I have mine shut away in a cabinet. I cut a 120mm hole in the back with a hole saw, and attached a fan to pull fresh air in. I power the fan with a USB to 3pin fan adapter. Your amp is bound to have a USB connection for something. Otherwise you can just use a USB charging plug.
My Marantz runs seriously hot. So hot that you can barely touch the top of the casing, and that’s with a ton of space around it. No way I would want to enclose it.
I've killed a couple of my old AV receivers by restricting their airflow at the top. My old Denon gets rather toasty on the rare occasions I use it, so I made a usb to 3pin case fan lead out of a couple of leads I had lying around. I plug that into a USB phone charger, job done.
Check out the AC Infinity range. I have my Marantz amp in an enclosed unit and have two of those sitting on top of it, sucking away the heat and chucking it out the back. Well worth the investment.
Check out the AC Infinity range. I have my Marantz amp in an enclosed unit and have two of those sitting on top of it, sucking away the heat and chucking it out the back. Well worth the investment.
This is what I’m using to cool my Denon AVR in my cabinet, I have a 120mm fan lying on top of the AVR drawing air up through the unit and 2 80mm fans exhausting air out the back of the cabinet and they are all powered by my LG oled via usb so they go on and off with the tv.
This is what I’m using to cool my Denon AVR in my cabinet, I have a 120mm fan lying on top of the AVR drawing air up through the unit and 2 80mm fans exhausting air out the back of the cabinet and they are all powered by my LG oled via usb so they go on and off with the tv.
Yep mine are powered by the amp itself. It's a no-brainer. Anyone can afford another £50 for a couple of fans if you're buying a halfway decent amplifier. It's well worth it in the long run.
I have a low profile Marantz AV Surround Receiver NR1608 in a drawer (with a glass front so remotes work) BUT I have cut out the back and keep the drawer open an inch - otherwise it gets too hot.
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