AV8-3rd Eye SATA floppy

27 Sep 2004

I dont suppose any kind soul has a floppy disc that has the SATA drives on it and came with your AV8-3rd Eye mobo? My board didnt come with one of these floppies and so I cannt get my SATA drive to configure with it and am trying to get my hands on one? If someone would be able to post me their disc, I would return it + a little thank you present also. My first build seems to have gone very badly lol.

/Bakers friend, Mike
Hi Baker, sounds like your in a bit of a pickle :P

Ive got the drivers your after how would you like me to send them to you?
a quick note before any floppies get sent...

are you planning on running any drives in RAID?
if not, then you shouldn't need to put the SATA drivers in during a windows install :)
Hmm, don't you need the SATA drivers regardless of RAID? Last time I installed XP Pro + SP2 from CD I had to install the drivers from a floppy before it would recognise my WD 2500KS...
done plenty of installs onto my raptor, maxtor and seagates never had issues.

it could be just hit and miss... still it would be worth a try as it would save having to wait for the floppy.
Original post is a little confusing, are you installing a fresh copy of windows, Baker? Have you already tried? What do you mean by trying to configure?
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