Average UK salary by age

Someone in that article is getting £33k in benefits.

A lot of the remote US work is similar - high pay and minimal benefits. But it's still good pay compared to most things.

Having 'been there', I can understand not feeling 'well off', although never having to struggle for anything or worry about bills, etc. is nice. But at the same time, I paid most of my salary at the time into a pension (as I'm older and worry more), and now I earn much less but have a far more interesting and engaging role with a much better group of people around me.

I've since taken a pay cut (because of redundancy) of around 50%, and yet my take-home after tax isn't much less as I was paying so much into the pension. If you have £76K *after tax*, I'd strongly recommend putting more into a pension through salary sacrifice at 33... it makes a huge difference later in life.

As said elsewhere, 100K is a lot of money compared to most. You may not feel 'well off', but you're fortunate to be in such a position of not having to worry.
Yet some seem to think 100k is not much lol
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