AverTV DVB-T usb 2.0 HDTV box - Any comments ?

Man of Honour
16 Mar 2005
Clevedon , Bristol
As title , looking for a new DVB box for my set-up.

Don't want a USB Dongle Type and I want a full size remote control ( from experience the small ones have a very limited range ( about 3 foot , my last one ! ))

Reception is not a problem where i live.

Have narrowed it down to the AverTV DVB-T USB2.0 ( HDTV 1080i Ready ) box.

My main query is what the software is like ? ( I know from previous that some are very basic , i.e No channel renaming or re-ordering , and no pic in pic ).

Does anyone have any comments/suggestions/alternatives before I buy one ?

Thanks , in advance.

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