Avian bird flu H5N1??

Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
After hearing more "scaremongering" in the news, I was trying to find out how deadley this viruse is.. Howmnay people have been identified with it, howmany have died, how the infection spreads and what it does to the body.. Google just seems to bring up webpages that sugest if it evolves it could be the next big epidemic.. Whta I want to know ids what the current strain is like, not hype about possible future strains..

Anyone know any stats or anything about it?
Cuchulain said:
91 deaths .. chances are more people have died through spontaneous human combustion.

I'm not worried about it, I was just wondering how much truth there was behind all the news reports, which just want to scaermonger...

As for instant human combustion, Such a thing does exist how ever theres nothing instant about it takes around 12hrs to bird the body, and just the bottom of the legs are left(not enough fat to reach high enough temprature to combust the bones). Everything else is burnt including the bones..
fatiain said:
OMG WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE..................................

Yep you got that right, just not from bird flu, global warming, a meteor , lack of oil,rising sea levels or anything else the papers seem to drasticaly over emphizise...

But we are all going to die, its part of nature..
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