Avram Grant director of Football @ Pompey

4 Feb 2003
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Sunday Supplement seems to be one big interview for ex-managers and coaches and players who have been released. Sky claw them all in and they go on about how they want to get back into football etc and the next week.. new job. Dont really know if he can add anything in terms of them surviving and being successful to the same degree in the arry' days.
So whats the story on this Al Faraj then? I mean, isnt this largely all just the same hype and happiness that we saw when Al Fahim came onto the scene? Is Al Faraj really going to be any different for Portsmouth?
They won't. I get the impression that Harry overspent / was allowed to over spend.

As Spurs will find out a few years down the line ;), Don't forget to add the cost of the back handers on top of transfer fees and player wages as well.

TBH though, it wasn't just Redknapps fault, Gaydamek and Storrie allowed it all to happen so they are equally as culpable.

Al Faraj seems to be making all the right noises though from the evidence in this link


A more steady approach and big investment in infrastructure will aid sustainability at the club.
I think the problem is when a manager like Redknapp is in charge, he can rather exert pressure over owners/chief executives, because if he makes demands, he can threaten to leave and we all know he's more than happy enough to leave for money.

Redknapp just doesn't seem to think through really much of anything he does long term, its all short term buying and spending, long term has a club ever been better than when he started after he left(or at least very shortly after?).

THis for me is why a Moyes, Wenger, Fergie, O'Neill, Bruce and a handful of others are better than the likes of harry, who buy short term success at the expense of long term problems.

Anyway, the new guy in charge at Pompie seems to have real money available today. The other guy has his own money it would seem, but the real funding was a bunch of outsiders, he's a front man for money men and didn't want to risk his own money on transfers. The new guy, is a money man, the 5 million loan, secured in what would appear a matter of hours/days, was from him to pay for the Pompie wages. Generally only people with serious serious money, can arrange 5million loans that quickly.

Likewise Grant is a very decent, well, football man, Chelsea did fantastically well under Grant. Seems to know a good player when he see's one, was him who wanted Anelka wasn't it who was a great buy.

Really need to see how much cash is available in Jan, till then, well, I wonder if Sol will suddenly make a reappearance and a bunch of other out of contract available expensive but shortly to retire players all turn up.

They didn't have the funds to secure loans, emergency loans(which I think you can still sign) and you can still sign anyone out of contract.

I don't think Pompie can be certain of enough points after Jan to not try and get a few points now. So a few 34-38year olds who are willing to sign for 6 months/1 year on a huge contract might be needed to stem the bleed before January.
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