Awards presentation graphics

27 Dec 2005
This doesn't really fit neatly into another forum (video maybe?? software maybe??) so hopefully I'll get a quick answer and it'll drop off the bottom.

I'm putting together a presentation for an awards ceremony on Friday that'll be part of a charity ball. I run a video agency so I'm all good on the tech front but I'm probably overthinking it for the visuals.

Ideally I want a presentation type setup that goes through each award - award title, nominees, then winner - preferably a bit smoother than just a fade and where each slide constantly loops some kind of awards animation so there's time for whoever's on the mic to waffle.

There'll be a 15s snippet of a song for the winners to walk up to etc and if that can be embedded/automated into the presentation rather than being a separate/manual process then all the better.

I've got a decent After Effects awards template for the visuals but the transitions between slides won't be dynamic obviously. It's actually been a while since I've use Powerpoint but maybe that can do the job in terms of looping background video and embedded music?

Any ideas/recommendations?
Qlab might well do what you want. It's Mac only though, what's nice about Qlab is they do let you rent licenses. It's very popular for projections and sound effects for theatre shows.

Another popular package that might do what you need is VMix. The brilliant thing about VMix is the trial version is fully functional.

I've worked on a few small awards ceremonies. I think they just used PowerPoint, but on of of the shows they used a switcher go between the presentation and a company logo (which were running on separate laptops).
Just play this on a loop

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