AWS Nitro instance EBS volume extending

18 May 2010
Hoping someone out there has experience with this.

I have a Nitro based EC2 AWS instance with an 8gb ebs volume attached.

I stopped the instance and resized the volume from 8Gb to 16Gb.

I was of the assumption when you extend the volume you have to resize the file system afterwords.

However when I look on the cli the new volume and the partition are both showing as the new size 16Gb.

df -h show correctly, and the application running on the instance also shows the disk space correctly.

But every single AWS documentation on the internet all says you have to extend the partition after the resize.

So I'm quite confused.

It all looks good on the instance and from the application perspective, and I have notified people at work that the resize has been done, it's just by my own expectations that was far too easy and I didn't do the partition extend part as it doesn't look like it needs it.


To add... I tested this out on a test instance first and it too told me there was nothing to extend when I ran the growpart /dev/nvme0n1 1 command.

You can see here the documentation on this.

So the way it looks on the instance is after resizing the volume in the console when I run: lsblk it looks like this:

nvme0n1 259:1 0 16G 0 disk
└─nvme0n1p1 259:2 0 16G 0 part /
└─nvme0n1p128 259:3 0 1M 0 part

But I have not extended the partition yet using: growpart /dev/nvme0n1 1

But as I said form the test instance it doesn't look like it needs it.

It's just very confusing as all the documentation says otherwise. So I can only imagine AWS do this for you now when using probably Nitro based instances.
Bit late to reply , but we always expand our EC2 linux disks with the instance up, but then we always have to extend the volume and filesystem at the cli as you expected... we'd never get the business to agree downtime everytime a disk needed to be expanded.
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