Awww, plugged my laptop into my amp and am getting lots of noise when it's on charge.

19 Dec 2006
So, I decided I'd plug my laptop into my amp and be able to watch dvd's on it with decent sound :)

Now, ignoring the fact that I could just watch them on the tv or my desktop I have an issue with getting a lot (and I mean a lot) of noise when the thing is plugged in, if it's running on battery it's just fine.

It's well out of warranty by now too, gutted :(

It's not something simple I'm missing is it?
I had the same thing with mine and in the end I bought a USB SB Live! - not only is the sound clean but you get many more outputs including digital optical etc. They are pretty cheap so that could be a solution for you.
Do you just mean noise on the audio out, or the laptop itself is making a noise, or even the powerbrick, and if so what kind of noise?

Could be overheating due to being full of dust and the fan is spinning a lot (it might run lower specs on battery therefore wouldn't overheat).
Yeh, it's on the audio out.

I could get an external sound card but to be honest I'll just not use it in that fashion, it just would have been nice to be able to do so.
had this on few presentations its the psu supply ,, we usually replace them with im afraid expensive ones fom purple shirt brigade.

easy way if it runs on battery and no problem (make sure psu is not plugged in near by)
then it should be ok,, if its n charge and you get it its psu

usually found hp's to suffer mostly.

just a thought
I have the same kind of problem on my vaio, not quite so loud though. I wonder if looping the wire through one of those "noise" blocks might help
Yeh, been searching the Vaio forums a little today and found a few mentions of the issue being caused by ground loop issues. Have also found a 'Ground Loop Isolator' for nine quid at a local electronics store named after a holiday camp, it plugs into the phono sockets by the looks of things and appears to be designed for use in a car system, hopefully I'll get down there this week and pick one up, will let you all know if it works or not.
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