Ayeesh iCal sucks....

11 Mar 2005
As above really... which is a shame, 'cos I've not yet found a mac program that wasn't better than it's windows counterpart - Outlook is just soo much better!

My iCalendar consists of 7 different calendars, earlier, lates, nights etc... along with a separate calendar for t'other half.. each of these is an 'All Day Event' - for ease of viewing on screen and also on my iPhone..

In iCal - in the month view - it puts my all day event first and then puts my other half's all day event underneath...

However, when I go to print it - it just decides, seemingly randomly, which all day event comes first. If it weren't for my OCD, that'd be fine - but I find it really hacks me off!

I've trawled the net, and it's a common problem - but nobody (apple included) seems to have a solution.

Is anybody aware of (or even what I'm talking about) a fix for this?

Or.. is there a new fangled piece of software I should be using instead?

Thanks in advance...
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