
2 Jun 2004
how do you get it to allow more than two downloads?

in options > queue, i've got the first two values set to "0" (unlimited), but it still only allows two downloads, the third sayes "queued", unless i use forced start. :confused:
To be honist mate you dont want it to allow more than two downloads. As this will kill your connection and use up all available ports and will slow ALL downloads to a hault. I have tried to workout the best way to have it setup and 2 downloads seams to be the best.
BigBoy said:
To be honist mate you dont want it to allow more than two downloads. As this will kill your connection and use up all available ports and will slow ALL downloads to a hault. I have tried to workout the best way to have it setup and 2 downloads seams to be the best.
or not

it depends on the seedings - sometimes with 2 i can get about 100kb/s total, but when i add another 2 torrents in it goes past 200kb/s total etc etc
BigBoy said:
To be honist mate you dont want it to allow more than two downloads. As this will kill your connection and use up all available ports and will slow ALL downloads to a hault. I have tried to workout the best way to have it setup and 2 downloads seams to be the best.
nah that's rubbish tbh. i'm currently downloading four files and all are downloading in the region of 40-50kb/sec, which is plenty fast enough for me.
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Click Tools the Options.
Click Connection and enter a port you want the program to use. Then forward/open that port in your firewall/router to your IP address.

Click Queue then set the first 2 options to the number you want, I don't suggest 0(zero). try a smaller number first, say 6.

Click the save button.

Azureus only uses the one port for connection but can use many connections!
Try to limit the upload speed to a figure BELOW your maximum upload speed. I usually use a figure of 10KB/s. You can do this quickly by right clicking the speed indicator in the botom right hand corner of Azereus and choosing a set speed.
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