B& and W Zeppelin Users?

Man of Honour
21 Feb 2006
I was arranging to get my original, old school B&W Zeppelin fixed this week as I was getting a red flashing light of death. During this I came across an upgrade program B&W is running to move you from your old Zeppelin to the brand new Zeppelin for £299. Now as these devices are £499 pretty much everywhere I decided to move old broken one out and new on in. Move forward 1 day and it arrived and is currently blasting out tunes!

Seems this applies to not only broken ones, but old ones of any Zeppelin. Thought I should let you know, heard it is short lived and may be over now but I have a few mates who have ordered theres in the last 24 hours and all went through fine so if it appeals, fill yer boots. Phone Customer Service, press 1 then 2 and have a word!

I have nothing to do or any involvement with B&W, for clarity.
Yeah it's a good deal, I have two Zepplins in the house and I'm tempted to upgrade both of them!

The new ones support Spotify Connect which is really nice feature as well.

How did you return the broken one, do they send you a box or something?
I had the old box, but I have just used the new box and packed it all up this evening. The provide all you need to return it, really slick. If you take the offer and don't have a box, they will send it out I believe.
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