@Mike Byrne>Hi I am a current 802 series D2 owner although the 800 N series do share a lot of amplification and placement considerations. First off the N series were ear bleeders no matter how nice they look the highs were strident the mids recessed and the bass bloated . Also about placement they need to be well clear of walls and by that I mean not close to any unless you like your musical presentation more on the bassier side of things.
Regarding speakers on certain floors. You do not want to have a bare floor which is pure concrete and slate on top. Get some rugs down, carpet whatever. Otherwise you will be getting an echoing effect added to the sound. Given the high ceiling height and the dimensions of the room this could be quite severe.
Regarding amplification you say you have 4 cyrus mono X's? You should be fine bi amping per speaker. Although most if not all 800 series owners will tell you 250-300w minimum but that's not the whole story truth be told. They like current and lots of it and the more power the better. Like most Bowers speakers they don't sound anything special at very low volumes but crank it up a bit and they open up. The real issue lies in what the manufacturer stated impedance and what the actual impedance is. Most of the 800 series dips down to 3 ohms or so and that is entirely in the bass-mid bass region. It is this which has give the 800 series a bad reputation for needing stupid levels of amplification which is just as costly as the speaker themselves or even more so. I have owned Cyrus stuff before many years ago and it not on the same level as the Bowers 800 series not even close but you may find otherwise. Sonically wise I don't think they make a good match although when I had Cyrus I was using Dynaudio speakers at the time.
As regards to Wilson Audio The bass is tighter on them from what I recall but the Bowers has more presence bass wise. Also Wilson Audio are more cleaner than the 800 series at least from what I can recall. And I have to agree with Kitfit the look of Wilson Audio speakers is ghastly. WHile the sound is the most important aspect it is one thing to listen to them all day but to have to look at them as well...
Most 800 series owners go with mcintosh or classe monos per speaker. I went a different route as I wanted something different and I listen at more moderate levels. But I have seen a few integrated Macs that engage the powerguard mode. This is the mode Macs go into where it lowers the power output to protect itself and speakers. This is on a 300-400w model...
As Kitfit goes Wilson Audio speakers retain their value well as well as high end bowers speakers, So I am not sure what your options are 3k to fill a large room. Q acoustics concept 500? I suggest looking second hand via the bay and other audio sites.
As for alternatives to Bowers there are plenty but they will not be coming at 3k. Proac k6, Dynaudio confidence series, Kef blades/reference, wilson Audio, Bottom end magico, atc and the list goes on and on.
What part of North Wales do you live? I lived there for many years. If you live on the Bangor side your high end aspirations will have go to Wrexham/Chester side to start finding audio dealers who can offer you demos and what not.
But ask yourself this is it worth buying a speaker which is an unknown quantity to you with a romm that unknown and junk your amplification if it not up to driving it. Take it step by step. Wait for the room to be finished then audtion from a shortlist. You then can decide if the amplification you have is sonically and powerwise for you. Good luck on your journey.