
2 Jun 2004
I am about 50 mins into watching this, so no spoilers please.

VERY weird how there is so much foriegn dialogue with no subtitles, ever. Have you guys found this in many other films?

So far it seems like it's following the lives of a few people and they are all going to linked, I've also heard it's an amazing film, yet so far its just slow and frustrating due to not knowing what they are saying in the foriegn languages.
If you get through it and its any good let me know, i watched it for about 15 mins and gave up (think it was just after those kids were shooting at the coach)
It's a bit of a Marmite film.


Personally I loved it. The photography was first-rate and Brad Pitt was on form too. Quite nice how the stories all tie in together.

There were a few really pointless scenes like the one where that kid masturbates whilst watching his sister. :eek:
It was an alright film I suppose. Trying to be like Magnolia and Crash where different stories about different people tie in together but I didn't really feel any emotional connection to any of the characters like I did in other films (mentioned above). I couldn't care less whether Brads wife lived or died or whether the kids got back ok. It's not that I didn't want to, it's just that the film didn't compel me to.
I've watched a lot of films in my short life and this is one of the only ones that had me looking at my watch every 5 minutes and getting rather bored and tired.

You can't say it's because I don't appreciate all the connections and things it's trying to show, but it's really lowest common denomenator stuff, they point out the most obvious stereotypes and bore them into the ground and keep reinforcing them as if we don't already have a clear idea.

Crash is a much superior film because there is a practical and emotional side which you can add, this is just pretty poor and uninspired. The links are quite tedious too I thought.
its a bit like a quentin tarantino film where it shows different peoples lives which are some how inter mingled but without any of the excitement or bloody fighting.

Mr-White said:
its a bit like a quentin tarantino film where it shows different peoples lives which are some how inter mingled but without any of the excitement or bloody fighting.


Well, not only that. I think it's meant to be a bit deeper than that, they're all intermingled not only because of the obvious physical links, but each storyline is centred around communication, each of them differently, you've got inability to communicate, cultural communication difficulties and plain language barriers. I think it worked out okay.
Very, very good script with incredible cast but executed in the worst of cinematic manners - pseudo philosophical prolonged magnolism. It tries so hard to be long wound and "get me some european duffus award" slow pace it is almost condescending and mentally exhausting. The story and suspence drops continously and lose pace and flare like a torn sail in quiet before storm, but the storm never comes. There is no climax. No final fanfares. What could have been an excellent movie is just a dare for viewers not to yawn. Cinematic bore with interesting story which throughout most of the movie feels like watching French documentary at half speed and no subtitles.
Just watched it and loved it. Makes a change from the usual predictable nonsense. Cast was strong although I thought Brad Pitt wasn't that convincing.

I'd give it a good solid 4 stars.
I watched it purley for one scene, one of the Japanese scenes was filmed somewhere I went not long ago and was cool to see it again :)
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