Our baby has ticked over the 10 month mark and we're keen to get a bike seat for him to hang out on so we can go for rides with him on the back of the bike. Just wondering if anyone had any sensible suggestions for seats and if there's actually any real differences in terms of support between a bike mounted and rack mounted seats?
The offerings from Decathlon look pretty decent - especially price wise compared to the products from companies like Thule. Was planning to attach something to my Ribble CGR 725 and then swap it out onto my wifes mountain bike when it was applicable. Was eyeing up this beauty
Our baby has ticked over the 10 month mark and we're keen to get a bike seat for him to hang out on so we can go for rides with him on the back of the bike. Just wondering if anyone had any sensible suggestions for seats and if there's actually any real differences in terms of support between a bike mounted and rack mounted seats?
The offerings from Decathlon look pretty decent - especially price wise compared to the products from companies like Thule. Was planning to attach something to my Ribble CGR 725 and then swap it out onto my wifes mountain bike when it was applicable. Was eyeing up this beauty