Baby wont feed from a bottle - Help !

18 Oct 2002
Riding my bike
My daughter is now 4 and a half months old.

She has been exclusively breast fed and now we need her to start taking a bottle as in a couple of months she will have to go to day care where she will have to be fed by bottle.

We have tried with expressed milk (so it tastes the same)

We have tried a variety of teats

She has a fit whenever we try. Do any of the parents here have any ideas we can try....

In all other respects she is lovely - sleeps 11 hours a night, smiles pretty well non-stop, just won't feed from a bottle !

Cheers !
Xee said:
Parents that feed their babies formula should be shot imo.

The wife and I have been observing other babies in our nursing group. From birth to about 6 months. All the babies that changed to formula during this time have become fat-headed and lethargic. I feel sorry for these babies fed formula, normaly because of the parents own selfish reason's.

Breast milk is best parents!

Also solids are good, wizz up some nice fresh veg or fruit ;) - but only if your baby is ready for it.

She has had nothing but breast milk or the first 19 weeks and will get 90% breast until my wife goes back to work by which time she will be 6 months old and even the WHO agrees that formula/solid topped up with breast is fine.

I do agree with you that 100s of 1000s of years of evolution mean that breast milk is best, but not all mothers/babes are given the support needed to suceed. We were luck it all came very easily, but we know of plenty of mothers who had to use formula....

I do Like the drinking cup idea - we'll try that later !
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