** Back In Stock - IC Diamond! **

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8 Aug 2007

We have IC Diamond back in stock again after a long wait.

Both SKUs have great stock levels

IC Diamond 7-Carat Thermal Compound (1.5g) @ £6.98 inc VAT


IC Diamond out performs all other compounds in independent user testing amoung the popular brands tested, IC Diamond contains 92% pure syntheic Diamond. Purified synthetic diamond has a thermal conductivity of 2,000-2,500 W/mKL compared to 406-429 W/mK for pure silver. IC Diamond is electrically none-conductive and none-capacitive providing protection for electrical components when used.
IC Diamonds exceptional durability is due to its high bulk loading of micronized diamond particles. Each tube of IC Diamond contains over 92% micronized diamond and ais 94% fully loaded counting other miscellaneous particles. This highly loaded mix (90% + Bulk loading) is recommended by chip manufacturers to limit pump out due to thermal cycling.
IC Diamond is a stand out amonst all compounds by providing both high performance and long term reliability. Lightly loaded or creme type pastes initially provide some preformance, however the effect can be transitory, sometimes only lasterin a couple of weeks or months. You are safe in the knowledge that IC Diamond thermal conductivity lasts forever.

Based on Independent tests IC Diamond performs 2.77°C better than OCZ Freeze, 3.28°C better than Arctic Cooling MX-3, 3.38°C better than Arctic Silver 5 and 4.74°C better than the Intel generic paste.

- Each tube of IC Diamond Thermal grease contains 7 carats of micronized diamond with diamond particle loadings @ 94% by weight. Material loading above 90% is recommended as the best combination of rheological and thermal properties to minimize interface pump out due to thermal cycling.
- Superior bulk conductivity
- Excellent thermal impedance
- Tight particle distributions
- < 40 µ maximum particle diameter
- Silicone free
- Lower viscosity
- Greater stability
- Non capacitive or electrically conductive

Only £6.98 inc VAT.


IC Diamond 24-Carat Thermal Compound (4.8g) @ £13.99 inc VAT


IC Diamond out performs all other compounds in independent user testing amoung the popular brands tested, IC Diamond contains 92% pure syntheic Diamond. Purified synthetic diamond has a thermal conductivity of 2,000-2,500 W/mKL compared to 406-429 W/mK for pure silver. IC Diamond is electrically none-conductive and none-capacitive providing protection for electrical components when used.
IC Diamonds exceptional durability is due to its high bulk loading of micronized diamond particles. Each tube of IC Diamond contains over 92% micronized diamond and ais 94% fully loaded counting other miscellaneous particles. This highly loaded mix (90% + Bulk loading) is recommended by chip manufacturers to limit pump out due to thermal cycling.
IC Diamond is a stand out amonst all compounds by providing both high performance and long term reliability. Lightly loaded or creme type pastes initially provide some preformance, however the effect can be transitory, sometimes only lasterin a couple of weeks or months. You are safe in the knowledge that IC Diamond thermal conductivity lasts forever.

Based on Independent tests IC Diamond performs 2.77°C better than OCZ Freeze, 3.28°C better than Arctic Cooling MX-3, 3.38°C better than Arctic Silver 5 and 4.74°C better than the Intel generic paste.

- Each tube of IC Diamond Thermal grease contains 7 carats of micronized diamond with diamond particle loadings @ 94% by weight. Material loading above 90% is recommended as the best combination of rheological and thermal properties to minimize interface pump out due to thermal cycling.
- Superior bulk conductivity
- Excellent thermal impedance
- Tight particle distributions
- < 40 µ maximum particle diameter
- Silicone free
- Lower viscosity
- Greater stability
- Non capacitive or electrically conductive

Only £13.99 inc VAT.

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