Back on 2 wheels (for a few weeks)

Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
Well over the Olympic period, owing to the heavy traffic and how busy we have been at work, they agreed to hire me a bike.

A bandit 1250. Comfortable bike, reasonably quick, but not ideal for commuting in London. It's big, heavy, and didn't particularly like the brakes. Though the upright seating position does give good visibility.

However, it's been so nice to get back on 2 wheels!

Haven't really had a chance to give it a thrashing, doesn't seem to like being revved hard - I think it's a lazier type of engine that has a lot of torque that's ideal for touring/cruising.

I had forgotten how bloody annoying cyclists and scooters were though - always getting in your way, and cyclists nearly always running reds...

I've been commuting so long by car that I've just got used to not interacting with bikes and cycles (other than keeping an eye out for them).

I'm handing the bike back next week, and it's been fun, it's made me want to get onto 2 wheels more than ever, but it's just not a feasible option unfortunately.

Might have to try and use it for a blast this weekend before they take it back ;) Though worried I might ground it out owing to all the metal work around the engine area...
Ideally I'd love a speed triple. It's just storage and use that would be the issue - I have other priorities in terms of saving money at the moment...
Managed to scrape the engine bullbars/protector bars! Oops! :o

Was a little scary as I thought I had more clearance, but it tips nicely at any rate! :D

It's only got 92hp but very torquey, don't really like it, but for free can't complain.
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