Back on the infrared. Eva 2, 3

5 Nov 2004
Ok a couple of years I captured arguably my best infrared shot to date and its a piece that I actually admire myself (as I don't really admire my own work)

I have long since wanted to find more of the tree's that I have named (the eva collection)

Its a particular type of half dead looking tree that at certain times of the year only has a few leafs on it etc..

Today after my couple of hours walk along the canal I found a tree buried in someones garden. I decided to see if I could go in and take some images.

These are still nowhere near as good as the first I captured. But enjoyable to see more of them in isolated locations.



You've been busy recently :D

Much prefer the second shot, if only for the cloud formation creating some more interesting shapes.
Are you explicitly trying to use the clouds as surrogate foliage? It's a neat concept even if it wasn't intentional :)

I like the shots. Are parts blown out or is there recoverable detail? I realise saturated white can be a choice and does somewhat work here (within limits).
Much prefer the 2nd shot, the branches of the tree is fuller at that angle and the way the fence disappears into the bushes is "nicer".

I have no tried IR myself but these are brilliant, i love the snow white look you get.
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