Back on the road

23 Nov 2010
I've just booked my mod1 for Friday, passed my theroy last Saturday.

I used to ride in NZ on a ZZR600 10 years ago but they didn't transfer my liceince over but hey ho. I've not had any formal training just taking a bike there and going for it as I'm quite confident that i'll pass. Once passed I'll be booking the mod 2 straight away.

Can't wait as I've now got everything including a very nice SV650 waiting in the drive for me to have some fun with.
Good luck, got any pictures of the sv650? I myself am looking at a nice sv650s at the moment.

Only have 1 photo as I haven't picked it up yet and the photo is shoddy quality (keeping it at the shop otherwise I'll ride it!) once I've picked it up I'll post here. You might want to check out & they have good guides of the things to check for this bike

As you havnt had any training for the mod1, i'd strongly suggest looking at some youtube vids about it, as it can be quite intimidating, even moreso if you dont have an idea of what youre doing beforehand :)

And good luck with both tests :)

I'll be amazed if you do pass your mod 1 without any training tbh.

Good luck though.

Thanks, been to see the site and watched a few people & looked at heaps of vids, also found the below guide and it has been a great help (this bit might be edited if I don't pass the test :D)
Funny thing is since i took my CBT I think my driving has improved as well as I'm more aware of everything now and not just going into auto mode! even been doing little lifsaver checks and mirror checks to get me used to doing these.

Fingers crossed for tomorrow, got 3 hours pratice then ride to test.
Well soon to be puuting the gear on & head to my instructor. Weathers not looking good at all, just hoping that the rain stops before the test.

Hopefully next message will say I passed the test.
Thanks everyone

Well I PASSED!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D

Only got 2 minors, one being only doing 48kph and the other was locking the rear wheel in the emergency stop.

I'll do a little write up over the weekend but first things first, beer needs to be had and a little 2,500 word essay to be completed by Monday:eek: (won't be trying both of these at the same time though:p)
2500 word essay? Bike tests are getting harder and harder :eek:

I wish, at least I'd be more intrested in writing it:p:p

The other guy on my DAS course got a major fault for locking the rear. It must have changed when they updated the rules.

Not sure if the rules changed but he did say to me that had I not caught it and reapplied it so quickly i would have failed.
Thanks everyone! been a bit busy to reply so sorry for the delay.

The only thing i can say with the mod 1 is to relax, i know its easier said than done but its a huge site. as long as you happy with slow moving you'll be fine. just take deep breaths and think only of the task in hand.

also went for my Mod 2 yesturday......... FAILED!!!:mad:

Stupid me!!! 2 minutes into the test we were going through a bit of the road which changes spedd like 40mph - 50mph -40mph -30mph. I was worrried about mirror check etcs that I missed the last one and only relalised when I saw houses & street lights...... oh and the tester disappering in my mirrors :rolleyes:

But i though what the heck, put it at the back of my mind and carried on, I think I also choose the worst time for a test as school had just been let out so there were hundreds of bikes on the town section! Had one swerve out at me but saw this & slowed to let him do his bit (the tester said I did well to see this!). also had a case of 2 kids in the middle of the road doing 10mph looking back at me & smilling, had to wait 30 secs before they moved out the way on to the other sides pavement!

Oh well, booked back in for 2 weeks time and at least I know I can pass with ease but just relax more and do what I would normally do!
Well its getting closer now and next Wednesday just after 12 I'll be taking mod 2 again. This time I'm going to have to keep a eye out for speeed changes! Since I failed the wife has decided to shout at me in the car when I'm driving the car to slow down, oh well i guess i've learnt my lesson (a very expensive one at that!)
Passed my MOD 2 today so it's down to you two now. :D
Don't forget to browse the Bike Meet Version 2 thread an all. :cool:


Passed mine as well!! also just after the test I took the instructer as a pillion :eek: dam I had forgotten how much it affects the bike! nice ride though and as I said to him I was glad not not hear him speaking while riding!

So 2 down one to go..........

will look at the bike meet soon
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