Back pain with Noblechair Hero

2 Nov 2018
Hey guys, need some advise with my recent purchase.

I have been using the HERO real leather version for about 4 days and I find myself needed frequent breaks from it due to my back aching. I'm aware the padding in this chair is pretty hard which I find comfortable but I cant seem to find any comfort for my back using the lumbar support at any point on the dial.

This is my first proper chair with back support and I imagine my seating posture over the years has been absolutely disgusting as my old chair was stacked with pillows and falling apart.

I would really like to keep the chair as its built like a truck and looks stunning but does this sound like a potential issue with the chair or is my body just in shock that its finally working in favor for my back?

Thanks for the help
Hey guys, need some advise with my recent purchase.

I have been using the HERO real leather version for about 4 days and I find myself needed frequent breaks from it due to my back aching. I'm aware the padding in this chair is pretty hard which I find comfortable but I cant seem to find any comfort for my back using the lumbar support at any point on the dial.

This is my first proper chair with back support and I imagine my seating posture over the years has been absolutely disgusting as my old chair was stacked with pillows and falling apart.

I would really like to keep the chair as its built like a truck and looks stunning but does this sound like a potential issue with the chair or is my body just in shock that its finally working in favor for my back?

Thanks for the help

You've probably made your decision by now anyway, but I remember having something similar happen when I bought my first decent office/gaming chair (one of the old Ikea Klappe ones something like 15 years ago), where for a few weeks i couldn't quite get used to it and couldn't sit for long without moving, however from memory as I got used to it it became increasingly more comfortable to the point I could doze off in it;) (although the lack of head support caused some issues when that happened;)).
I've had the same sort of thing when I've changed mattress, I suspect it's a case of the body getting used to how it's being supported, especially if it's getting a lot more than it used to or it's in slightly different places.
They take a bit of time to break in, and they will be firmer as soft chairs do not pass the proper ergonomic standards as far as I am aware. It's definitely better to have a firm chair that supports your back properly rather than one you sink into.

I hope you're finding the chair a lot comfier now, and getting used to it. :)
I had the same thing moving to a noblechair initially. Ultimately years of sitting in a poorer posture meant that once I was being forced by the ergonomic noblechairs design to sit properly, there was some discomfort involved. However, as you said, it goes away and the result is probably the only chair I've ever had that I'm happy to sit in for 8+ hours a day and be comfortable throughout!
I’d say give it a couple weeks, inform RMA now and then if in a week or two you feel no better return for a refund.

Though noblechairs are best in class everyone’s body is different but you probably just need time to adapt.
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