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18 Oct 2002
Liverpool - UK.
I had a brainwave the other day and decided to try of all things last night - Vaseline! A tiny blob goes a long way and should last much longer than other products! It rained last night and the water simply beads on the top of where its been applied. :)
lordrobs said:
I'll be giving that a try. I normally use back to black gel which does an excellent job but if it rains too soon after I've applied it it does tend to streak down my paint.

I used to use those too. It rained last night and the water simply beads on the surface and looks just how I applied it. :D
-Mike- said:
Autoglym bumper stuff works pretty well too. I never found back to black too good on my 306.

Ive used this too in the past but Im mighty impressed with the Vaseline over this stuff, and it costs a fraction of the Autogylm. If you havent, give it a try!
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