Back to PC gaming - fps controller method

12 May 2005
you know you've been playing too many console games when you come back to PC gaming and can't use keyboard and mouse in fps.

That old saying now applies - get good. But wow painful transition. Back in the mid 2000's I was a total demon with a KB/Mouse combination.

But with the raise of games consoles and life, then moving to a gaming laptop I've now finally splashed some cash on a nice gaming rig, and wow I'm like a total noob again with fps. Been looking at getting a high end gaming PC for over a year, finally did it and really enjoying the better graphics and fps. Not finding it as enjoyable right now working out if I should stick to KB/Mouse.

I guess I could play them with a gamepad, how many are playing fps PC games with a gamepad? I don't tend to game online all that often anyhow.
PC Exclusives - Keyboard/Mouse

Cross platform releases mostly are designed with "gamepad first" regarding control method with k/m controls tacked on.
PC Exclusives - Keyboard/Mouse

Cross platform releases mostly are designed with "gamepad first" regarding control method with k/m controls tacked on.

ok makes sense. I'll still try and use keyboard and mouse for fps but I guess if I get too frustrated the trusty gamepad is still there.. : )
I must admit I mostly use controller. Multiplayer games M+K is definitely the way but for just solo stuff I find using controller a lot more comfortable.
fps - steering wheel for look wii mote with pc drivers for shoot

rts - hotas joystick and pedals for mouse and webcam button for select

driving - printer remaining ink button for accelerate
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