Back to watercooling again :)

21 Oct 2002
Im heading back to the wonderful world of watercooling, and this time i want to get everything right, last time i fitted everything all backwards in my old case and it didnt work as well.

Im going for a complete refit, but im stuck on the waterblock for my CPU, ive already bought the DD nv78 for my 7800GT, and a Eheim 1250, but im stuck between the below two blocks:

- Maze 4 RBX
- Dtek Custom White Water

This is going to fit my A64 3200.

Any advice will be great thankys.
Do either of the CPU blocks have a lucite top? I've been out of the watercooling game for a few years now, but I like the look of the White Water, assuming it keeps the similar spec and looks to the original LRWW (I loved and still have that block, £50 and shipped over from Australia) :p

Just had a quick look and does the DD have a lucite top? (I don't trust lucite in the slightest - that clear material many waterblocks are topped with)
I used to have a maze 4, and that had a lucite top, and had no problems with it, but it does look like it could break at any moment though.

The RBX does have a lucite top, and so does the WW, but you can get these with aluminium tops.

What sort of temps do you get?
The original LRWW performs very slightly better than the D-Tek one.

all temperature readings are at best approximations and at worst downright lies

My LRWW with an Eheim1250 and a heatercore with a Titan 120mm fan at 12v (80cfm in free air) keeps my Opteron 146 ([email protected]) at around 14C over ambient. The motherboard is a DFI NF3 UT.

[obligatory rant]
If a heatsink has been tested on a cpu die simulator to have a C/W (degrees/watts) of 0.15 then by definition the heatsink will not cool better than 15C over ambient with a 100W load. Doesn't matter what fan you use, it won't do better than 15C over ambient. If you waterblock has a C/W of 0.12 at 1lpm, then it will not cool the 100W cpu better than 12C over incoming water temperature.

If therefore, your motherboard is reporting cpu load temps for your overclocked cpu of 3C higher than your room temperature, it is lying!

[/obligatory rant]
OK so the WW is pretty good then, ive had a look google, and found that the LRWW has temps a bit lower than the RBX, but i was wondering of any views on there for the two?
Can you even buy the D-Tel WW new anymore?

If I were you, I would buy a Storm if you have pots of money and can find one or the new Swiftech Apogee which is cheap and seems to work acceptably well.
I use the NeXXos XP amd block, its pretty sweet on the temps front and its cheap as chips :). have a look at it dude

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